A Self Portrait...
30 May 2013
Speghetti Bolognese easy, right..
I had visitors and being a rare and beautiful day in Ireland I thought we could maybe loll about in the garden even eat out there if the evening stayed warm.
I prepared the bolognese no problem. I do a nice bolognese and that’s the hard bit, the actual inspiration goes into the bolognese I mean anyone can throw speghetti into a pot, right.
Next I did a light salad side dish. No first course. Its a thing I don’t like first courses. A nice light salad on a bed of green and the guests could help themselves.
I was all ready, smiling, dressed, happy as a pig in shit I was. I decided to put the kettle on boil the water for the speghetti and I put the stove on with the speghetti so the water would not go off the boil as I poured it over the speghetti and into the pot.
So far so good and then I wandered into the garden to make sure the sun was still shining, the wind wasn’t too bad and that generally speaking nature was behaving itself.
You see I didn’t want to cook, if that’s the right word, the speghetti until my friends arrived speghetti doesn’t take long and it takes even less time to spoil. I just wanted it to be ready.
I was chatting to my dogs warning them of the consequences of sitting under the table and pawing laps and the fate worse than death that would await them if they tried to pinch anything off the table.
I returned to the kitchen and that is when I noticed it. The smell of burned speghetti is unmistakable.
The friends arrived walking into the kitchen started laughing. I shooed them into the garden, gave them a glass of wine and collapsed in a heap of laughter and fury. And no that is not a picture of my speghetti mine was worse than that. It was a kind of hard spiky stuff on the bottom of the pot. Fortunately I had another pot and more speghetti.
The meal was great the conversation very relaxed and if imo it was centred on speghetti well that’s speghetti bolognese for ye.
It would help if I could spell Spaghetti wouldn't it. I'm not going to change it serve me right and shows the mood I was in.....
28 May 2013
A New Thing.
So it started off alright there was an email from someone who wanted to add me to his contacts, I said yes. Now that in itself is unusual I'm nervous of connections but this was his own name, presumably, his company I held dealt with them and I thought where's the harm.
Eejit! How often have I thought that? Aanyoldhow I decided to leave it sure I can't spend a lifetime or what remains of this one, rejecting all contact and I thought it would be safe enough. The result is I now have this whole profile thingy and it doesn't appear to give a 'retired' option so its for working people only? So I shouldn't be there. Or what?
I have acquired some contacts. I don't know them except one and if I ever catch up with him he's a smear on the carpet. I don't mind exactly. I just wasn't expecting it d'ye see. Of course I know I should have the same thing has happened every time and I really do mean every time. How the fuck is that?
The answer is me, I sussed it out, instead of going over everything as though it were a contract, which they all are, I ticked everything in a hurry and before I knew it the site had sent out I don't know how many invitations. Ok so its my own fault I get that. I do. The good news is I think I caught most of em the bad news is I'm not certain....
I can see that Mr A added all the emails he had ever received and that's fine, and its not right to block someone for no reason. I understand that too totally but its a little bit worrying I don't know where what might be called normal leads. In theory it leads nowhere, but does it? I'm going to see what if anything happens. I mean nothing should so nothing will, right? Yep.
Funny thing is usually when I join something I'm very careful, you better believe that! but this time because it was an invitation and arrived by email I just sortof dived in without thinking too much.
Be strong.
Eejit! How often have I thought that? Aanyoldhow I decided to leave it sure I can't spend a lifetime or what remains of this one, rejecting all contact and I thought it would be safe enough. The result is I now have this whole profile thingy and it doesn't appear to give a 'retired' option so its for working people only? So I shouldn't be there. Or what?
I have acquired some contacts. I don't know them except one and if I ever catch up with him he's a smear on the carpet. I don't mind exactly. I just wasn't expecting it d'ye see. Of course I know I should have the same thing has happened every time and I really do mean every time. How the fuck is that?
The answer is me, I sussed it out, instead of going over everything as though it were a contract, which they all are, I ticked everything in a hurry and before I knew it the site had sent out I don't know how many invitations. Ok so its my own fault I get that. I do. The good news is I think I caught most of em the bad news is I'm not certain....
I can see that Mr A added all the emails he had ever received and that's fine, and its not right to block someone for no reason. I understand that too totally but its a little bit worrying I don't know where what might be called normal leads. In theory it leads nowhere, but does it? I'm going to see what if anything happens. I mean nothing should so nothing will, right? Yep.
Funny thing is usually when I join something I'm very careful, you better believe that! but this time because it was an invitation and arrived by email I just sortof dived in without thinking too much.
Be strong.
26 May 2013
23 May 2013
Part of Me
A part of me is rarely seen.
Hidden even from myself
This me in solitude waits
Standing watching.
Quieter, softer, dappling grey
Unimpressed and unafraid the
Strident cries of multitudes
Pass by
Invisible to the naked eye
The hidden me in darkness listens
Feeling the watching silence.
Whispering ripple of dissent
Strength in the wait
Coiled in an eternal spring
Alert content in seamless comfort
Instinct grows and bides.
Hidden even from myself
This me in solitude waits
Standing watching.
Quieter, softer, dappling grey
Unimpressed and unafraid the
Strident cries of multitudes
Pass by
Invisible to the naked eye
The hidden me in darkness listens
Feeling the watching silence.
Whispering ripple of dissent
Strength in the wait
Coiled in an eternal spring
Alert content in seamless comfort
Instinct grows and bides.
22 May 2013
The Right Spot
He dragged the long lumpy sack into the garden and paused, looking around he moved to the centre and started measuring carefully when he finished he lifted the heavy sack and placed it exactly in the centre. He lifted a shovel and began to dig he felt it was important to get it right not too close to the surface that would be disastrous but not too deep either that would defeat the purpose. At last he covered it with earth and stone and with a weary sigh stood back well satisfied with his work.
He returned to the kitchen took a can out of the fridge and watched the garden as he began to drink. Sure enough after a few minutes one of the dogs walked across, then an early bird landed, and just as he was turning away the milkman came up the path. He grinned he had got it exactly right someone would be walking all over her all day. Time for a shower it had been a long night.
He returned to the kitchen took a can out of the fridge and watched the garden as he began to drink. Sure enough after a few minutes one of the dogs walked across, then an early bird landed, and just as he was turning away the milkman came up the path. He grinned he had got it exactly right someone would be walking all over her all day. Time for a shower it had been a long night.
20 May 2013
A vicious game played for thrills
Left its own disfiguring rills
The scars now healed
The lesson learn
Who harms me in turn gets burned.
Left its own disfiguring rills
The scars now healed
The lesson learn
Who harms me in turn gets burned.
Andradite or Demantoid Garnet

I take a special interest in Garnets they are my birth stone and over the years I've been impressed at the different colours. These are Andradite Garnets I saw the name and had to check and when I did I discovered its a variation or another name of the Demantoid Garnet. Demantoid is one of the rarer Garnets and consequently its one of the more expensive too.
The cut and shaped stone below is priced at approximately $6,000. My own Green garnets are Tsavorites perhaps not as expensive but just as green imo they're better than Emeralds.

18 May 2013

Uncut Raw Diamonds thetrilogy3.com
Consider the painter labouring for weeks and months. A brush here a stroke there exact and deliberate to express his vision
The poet agonising over which particular word expresses which particular emotion and how many ways it may be read by others
The author slaving over his masterpiece for months and years that all may be consumed with curiosity to the end
The Sculptor gazing upon the rock he envisions as something new and different to be hacked, hammered and stabbed into the vision we will all admire
They all have one crucial thing in common most of us admire their work, we are in awe of their artistry and envious of the ability and talent expressed so eloquently even if we disagree with the result eager we are to explain that its no reflection of the artist. All of them labour for weeks and months demanding the right to be as temperamental as the work demands.
The rest of us work nine to five in often sullen submission to the rules of labour. We totally understand and would be the first to acknowledge that our efforts enable us to occasionally afford a glimpse of artistry.
Consider in the darkness the man huddled over a table in a small dimly lit room, the light and its a strong one is a beam specifically directed it glares from the lamp he wears strapped to his forehead exposing the object in front of him. A dull, plain looking rock on the table is being chipped and cut into a thousand pieces. The slithers and shards are not allowed to fall to the floor he will have a use for them later and so he works head bowed over the small rock, sometimes he has time to pore over the object to study its every crease and fold but not today, he is on a deadline and so must cut shave and skim with speed, and as he does the dull rock in front of him is changing a glow is beginning and deep inside its possible to see a crystal taking shape.
The smallish rock was not considered an important one to be sure its too good for laser but not good enough for the long drawn out attention he in his secret dreams longs to give to the perfect stone. No this rock sits on a crowded table in the care of a man who is paid for speed. Even so for all the speed the apparent indifference you can clearly see the light within the rock as each tiny chip reveals the glow. A diamond is born and the workman goes home at last to admire the work of the poet, painter and sculptor.

The Real Love of my Life
12 May 2013

Oh yeah it was love alright. Anyone could see that. Unexpected gifts of insults and lace and she has a special fondness for the link to cosmetic surgery.
That was a nice touch. A hint of the kindergarten about it? Not at all! The call of spring sends the burgeoning sap rushing to the loins and thinking is never easy when it has so far to travel,
And the poems! How could she forget the poems, quite easily actually because if a poem was ever written for her she never saw it much less read it. Ah but she remembers the words, such words. Explosive emotions rending the air with bouquets of flowers barbed wire and bricks.
11 May 2013
Stormy Water
I don’t know why but today I’m so attracted to big waves.
I want to lie beneath them and survive.
I want to ride on top of them and feel the fall.
I want to scream as the sheer rush of energy engulfs me.
I want to laugh out loud that I'm alive to live it.


10 May 2013
09 May 2013
Early One Morning
I was woken by the sound of a dog whimpering. I tried to ignore it the dogs always try it on. The whimpering continued I couldn't get back to sleep. I lay looking at the ceiling for about a minute then throwing the duvet off I stormed out of my bedroom down the hall and stopped.
There apparently lying on the bed was Ollie and he was looking all worried and whimpering. I took a deep breath preparatory to releasing the outraged scream I could feel climbing up my throat and stopped.
I peered through sleep rimmed eyes and evaluated the scene. Ollie was trapped. He had somehow managed to get himself stuck between the bed and the wall. I stopped
I smiled at his predicament and pulled the bed away that he might run, which he did and with considerable speed, tripping over his own legs in his haste to get away from the terrible trap. He landed in a heap at the front door and lay watching me. I stopped
And I almost, well alright I kind of, scolded him. It was probably my fault I must have forgotten or not closed the door to the spare bedroom properly could he really be blamed for that? I opened the door and let him run. Time for coffee.
There apparently lying on the bed was Ollie and he was looking all worried and whimpering. I took a deep breath preparatory to releasing the outraged scream I could feel climbing up my throat and stopped.
I peered through sleep rimmed eyes and evaluated the scene. Ollie was trapped. He had somehow managed to get himself stuck between the bed and the wall. I stopped
I smiled at his predicament and pulled the bed away that he might run, which he did and with considerable speed, tripping over his own legs in his haste to get away from the terrible trap. He landed in a heap at the front door and lay watching me. I stopped
And I almost, well alright I kind of, scolded him. It was probably my fault I must have forgotten or not closed the door to the spare bedroom properly could he really be blamed for that? I opened the door and let him run. Time for coffee.
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