A Self Portrait...

16 November 2019




peek a maggie
Aww the baby. She is a holy terror, gives off the most misleading, grovelling vibes, I’m sure its deliberate because the truth is she is the most stubborn determined tenacious little tyke ever.
She has discovered she can climb on my chair I did try to discourage her and it worked for all of about five minutes she simply does not give up. Little girl is a natural lap dog but she is afraid of heights so the lap is safe as long as she can’t reach.

Thing about that is its no longer working. Its taken a while but she has at last discovered jumping. All she has to do is keep leaping and holding until she gets a proper grip and sufficient height.

She’s on my lap I’m soft when I need hard and what with Ollie going deaf I sometimes sound quite loud too. it doesn’t work. Little girl plays humble but she never gives in. Last evening I had two cats and one Maggie on my lap. I know I could lose some weight but really my lap is not that big. I was squashed.

Not one of them would give way and get the hell down.

Some people are fooled by all the grovelling, tummy exposing and fawning as though they think poor Maggie is afraid of the merest whisper. Don’t be fooled. Little girl holds her own, has stolen Jezzies bed and steals Ollie and Jezzies food.

Stubborn little girl may have been mistreated in the past I really don’t know but I do know she has put it behind her.

Look at my beautiful girl and know that I will miss her all day every day forever


A brief update so you can see where my beautiful Maggie and I began

You would not believe how much a little girl is missed, although perhaps you do already know Here is a picture of Maggie to show you how afraid she was when she arrived here. Poor little girl took a while to relax and grow in confidence but she made it. She discovered her bark and my goodness she never stopped barking at every person, car and bird. She was also a very good mouser if she found one he was quickly done for

25 October 2019

Almost a Week

The loss of Maggie also known as Bubsy is as painful as it was a week ago I/We Jezzie and I miss her more than I can say.

Yesterday I went to town, a dead and alive hole with more shops shut down than open. I had to go to get 20.00 Euro for the vet and guess who forgot to get the cash...

Yep, no matter what I don't change but to be fair I had things on my mind. First I don't blame the driver who killed Maggie but I do wonder why when they had a full, clear view of the road and what passes for curbing, the driver chose not to beep, slow down or stop not even to commiserate when they killed a tiny dog who had never received good or even decent treatment from any Irish person. I was given Maggie by someone who rescued her from an abusive life threatening situation. If only he knew the poor little girl would be dead in only four years.

Also not exactly on my mind but skimming the edges of it was a conversation, if it can be called that, I had with the one who kindly gave me a lift into town. I was and am grateful a ride into town  is a rare occurrence but the conversation was odd, close to peculiar for the driver seemed to think I had once given the impression of wealth and I don't know where or what can have given him such an idea. I became a pensioner within a year of arriving in Ireland and I have been a pensioner ever since, nor is it a big pension just the usual bog standard British pension so probably not as much as the Irish state pension  He seemed to think it funny I don't care but nor do I think it particularly funny there is nothing funny about living on a state pension. Oh well.

 Maybe its me being over sensitive or maybe my one time thought of selling this house and buying another is what may have given him and perhaps others the idea that I must be rich. Who knows and who cares. My hope now is to get another dog not a young fliberty gibbet an older dog of maybe 5 or 6 would be perfect for me and Jezzie Pippa will acclimatize... 

21 July 2019

James Bond

Some time ago I wrote a comment on YouTube about a new mini series I said I thought it was wrong and I stand by that. In my comment I said something about James Bond being transformed into Liberace which I have decided was a little extreme.

James Bond was as almost everyone surely knows written by Ian Fleming a journalist (tells us all we need to know) and author.

The James Bond Fleming created was the worlds best fighter, lover and spy. He was also British which to be fair was Fleming's area of expertise.

But, if it was Fleming's area of expertise why did he create James Bond as a straight man? Surely almost all of the known British spies of his day were not just traitors to the UK they were also gay. This is just the known spies there were probably other, better spies who were and are still unknown but being gay was obviously not a hindrance to work. So why did Fleming ignore the facts and write salacious fiction? Was he afraid to go anywhere near the subject of gay men which to be fair was at that time both criminal and disliked or and perhaps more likely if mercenary did he write James Bond as straight simply to get the books published and sell more.

Today there is a strong element that wants James Bond to be black and that does not make sense. In every book Fleming wrote the enemy was always of European descent and to be fair to Fleming that is where most of the UKs and the Wests 'enemies' were from. If James Bond needed to fit in and he did he had to be European, but he didn't and doesn't have to be straight.

Its kind of amusing that as far as I know not one strong, capable, great fighter is portrayed as gay. Not one and not only is that not historically true its the loss of a major opportunity. To make James Bond black would not work but he can and perhaps should be gay.

14 July 2019

The Conservative Tree House AKA Last Refuge

More Leaked U.K. Diplomatic Cables Against President Trump as British Authorities Promise to Catch Leaker…

I like this blog have done so for at least a couple of years It leans slavishly right but in many ways particularly when  you look at what calls itself ‘left’ these days so do I.
The problem is for some reason it doesn’t seem to ‘like’ me I don’t mind that but I do mind not being told I’ve been blocked or what or even if there is a problem because unless you are told its impossible to be sure what or if there is a reason.
Last Refuge is a ‘serious’ blog every day it publishes two posts presumably for nonsense and serious comments, so do read this ‘serious’ post of theirs to see what on earth you have to write to gain approval to comment on their actual posts, and feel free to check their other posts I’ve looked at several and have concluded they’re all the same.
The UK was involved in the Christopher Steele dossier that is obvious. Darroch, however he spells his name, is a typical brainless jobsworth diplomat who if he can do nothing else can definitely crawl to the UK prime minister and probably to  president Trump until he got caught. Darroch deserved and got the sack.
The main thing is the UK does what America wants and when Obama was in power he wanted Donald Trump trashed. Christopher Steele sounds as though he was a rubbish spy, but Darroch was Ambassador to the most prestigious post in the world.
Its said that Darroch was involved in the Christopher Steele episode in which case so was the British govt which means so was Barack Obama. Its simple arithmetic but it seems to be beyond Last Refuge and their commenters. Did they all go to the same school…It would have to be fairly recently not so long ago schools in the UK and America actually educated pupils

Update 16/07/2019
I know I should do it first but I never have and probably never will...
Funnily enough Kim Darroch was promoted to Ambassador to Washington in January 2016 and 2016 just happens to be the year of the pile of rubbish known as the Steele Dossier. Interesting...

12 May 2019

Dunkirk May 27th 1940 to June 4th 1940

A few weeks ago someone said something about Dunkirk of all places and today I saw something again about Dunkirk. I thought how odd something that happened so long ago can still cause anger, contempt and admiration.

Dunkirk was not much of a battle in a way I think it was fair warning of what would happen to all battles fought in the old traditional way of army meeting army and the last one standing wins. I don't think battles or entire wars are fought like that anymore.

Dunkirk was a huge British loss but that's not what made it special, what made it special was the way the defeat was handled because the defeat was handled brilliantly.

I don't know if the Royal Navy couldn't get their boats onto the beach my first thought is the Royal Navy damn well got the army there they could damn well bring them home again as indeed they did. But not before announcing to the British and the world that the British army had been defeated  and was stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk and would any fishermen, yachtsmen, sailors on leave or anybody with a rowing boat kindly sail to Dunkirk pick up the stranded soldiers and take them to the Royal Navy ships which were further out and couldn't get into Dunkirk to rescue the soldiers.

And that was it. As far as I know hundreds of little boats sailed from the UK or nearby to rescue the soldiers.  I believe there may have been one boat from Ireland I know I've heard, read and seen endless boasting about it.

It was a brilliant strategic idea hundreds of men in their forties or older, remember anyone younger would have been conscripted, got into their little boats and rescued the British army from the Nazis on the shores of Dunkirk.

Unlike some I don't think there was any attempt to disguise the huge defeat. As far as I know maximum effort was used to tell the British and the world that the British army had been defeated and was stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk and would anyone with a boat kindly go to Dunkirk and rescue them.

When I was young it seemed every year a fuss was made about the surviving little boats they're probably all gone now in any event the fuss has definitely gone.

Dunkirk was probably the start of early retirement for the odd admiral and general it was also the start of some rethinking of how to fight a war.

A year later the British Special Air Service was founded on July 1st 1941

The Spitfire was first used as a night fighter aeroplane during the summer of 1940

Dunkirk was a major defeat but it was not a surrender it was a change of plan


I did a quick check and discovered that 850 little boats sailed from Ramsgate in England to Dunkirk