The fire in a 27 floors block of flats is said to have started at about 01.00. It burned all night I like many night owls watched in horrified fascination as flames engulfed the whole of the modern block of flats. If you look you can see rows of houses close enough to the burning building to have been in grave danger as the flames roared to the sky and bits of the badly damaged building fell to the ground.
Is the area safe now, all of it, how can it be when there is a huge, dangerous shell towering over the entire area?
I wanted to write this before reading the news of views and analysis A) because its really too soon to start analysing and B) because the horror of it is fixed in my mind and pushing their way forward are the horrible suspicions and questions.
I think the first questions many will be asking is how many are dead, how many are wounded and how many are in sheer paralyzing shock?
Then come the ugly questions:
1) Was it a terrorist attack
2) How long did it take the fire brigade to get there
3) Was it caused by cheap labour workmen
4) Was any delay in the actions of fire brigade caused by government cuts to emergency services
5) Has UK government welcome to millions of third world immigrants enabled the govt to lower emergency service funding and support to third world response
Serious questions and there are many more they must be answered quickly
I want to say and there is no way to say it properly my heart goes out to all those trapped in that appalling, horrifying tragedy.
And, may it not be Londons 9/11
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