watching a film, two hours long and I watched all of it, well between last night and this evening I watched all of it. I think I was mildly disbelieving and just as mildly contemptuous. It was meant to be a sweet everyone loves everyone movie and in a way it was but not the right way and not I think for the right reasons.
Maybe it can't be done, maybe its not possible to put a gay romance in a heterosexual or even rural setting, but if not why not?
If I try to change a famous fictional hero into a gay character how does it work, can it be done? Of course it can but I think it needs careful thought and it would actually be much better to create a new gay fictional hero, but if no one is creative enough to write a new superhero who among the old heroes is there?
Well, I think Batman could make the leap I always think of him as being halfway there already, particularly if I think in terms of the Batman of the old tv series.
People are not heroes and most of us like to feel comfortable in our surroundings, friends and love, and maybe for some people being in the company of a gay or straight love affair of the opposite is uncomfortable. I didn't used to think so, I spent many years in a very mixed environment but the thing is it wasn't a real life environment mostly it was the opposite and some gay men were attracted to it like moths around a bright light.
Maybe there is and is meant to be a difference between heterosexual and homosexual romantic groups the old saying like to like and Nan to Nancy rings loud. I'm not going to try to analyse reasons or suggest we should change, I'm not sure if we should change acceptance is one thing adoption is another. We should all accept and enjoy each others differences but no one can successfully adopt or change something so fundamental to each individual or slap the different groups together as though there is no difference there is a difference and for me trying to suggest there's not made for a very awkward movie.
This post is nothing to do with the LGBTQ XYZ movement they are the G string and leather bike boys end of the market, and at the moment they are caught in a trap of their own making. Nothing they do is new, original or much fun anymore. One G string looks a lot like another and leather clad boot boys are the same there is no originality there, there's not even surprise.
No, its not about them its more about real life, real people do actually accept each other, maybe they'll never be best friends but they will be friendly and if needed supportive, what most of them may not be is automatically comfortable within each opposite group and it seems that is what some people not solely gay or straight are demanding. I don't think it can be done. I'm not sure it should be we are all individuals and what makes us different is what makes us unique Our uniqueness is what we should cherish if people want to live their lives differently it is their right to do so, what they have no right to do is demand others support and comfort them. Live your way and let others live theirs
Maybe it can't be done, maybe its not possible to put a gay romance in a heterosexual or even rural setting, but if not why not?
If I try to change a famous fictional hero into a gay character how does it work, can it be done? Of course it can but I think it needs careful thought and it would actually be much better to create a new gay fictional hero, but if no one is creative enough to write a new superhero who among the old heroes is there?
Well, I think Batman could make the leap I always think of him as being halfway there already, particularly if I think in terms of the Batman of the old tv series.
People are not heroes and most of us like to feel comfortable in our surroundings, friends and love, and maybe for some people being in the company of a gay or straight love affair of the opposite is uncomfortable. I didn't used to think so, I spent many years in a very mixed environment but the thing is it wasn't a real life environment mostly it was the opposite and some gay men were attracted to it like moths around a bright light.
Maybe there is and is meant to be a difference between heterosexual and homosexual romantic groups the old saying like to like and Nan to Nancy rings loud. I'm not going to try to analyse reasons or suggest we should change, I'm not sure if we should change acceptance is one thing adoption is another. We should all accept and enjoy each others differences but no one can successfully adopt or change something so fundamental to each individual or slap the different groups together as though there is no difference there is a difference and for me trying to suggest there's not made for a very awkward movie.
This post is nothing to do with the LGBTQ XYZ movement they are the G string and leather bike boys end of the market, and at the moment they are caught in a trap of their own making. Nothing they do is new, original or much fun anymore. One G string looks a lot like another and leather clad boot boys are the same there is no originality there, there's not even surprise.
No, its not about them its more about real life, real people do actually accept each other, maybe they'll never be best friends but they will be friendly and if needed supportive, what most of them may not be is automatically comfortable within each opposite group and it seems that is what some people not solely gay or straight are demanding. I don't think it can be done. I'm not sure it should be we are all individuals and what makes us different is what makes us unique Our uniqueness is what we should cherish if people want to live their lives differently it is their right to do so, what they have no right to do is demand others support and comfort them. Live your way and let others live theirs