A Self Portrait...

09 March 2016

This is what Happens

When you can't trust anyone.

The central heating is fucked. I can never read the gas register, it involves a step and I hate ordering gas because it confirms I'm not going anywhere, I hoped the gas had run out, but no the tank is now full and the fucking awful little 'A' light is still flashing red.

This means I will have to call a central heating engineer but the one I know was recommended by Bernie the pervert who recommended the paedophile. The engineer also just happens to live near Bernie as does the paedophile for all I know they've got an entire paedophile ring up there.

Anyway I'm loath to throw good money after bad I want to sell this house and get away. Its true I could go tomorrow but that would leave two cats and three dogs at the mercy of people I wouldn't trust with a neutered rat.

I'm freezing cold. The washing is piling up and my mood is deteriorating by the minute.

A decision is required.

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