The American flag is important to Americans, most Americans get quite upset when they see it being abused. Politicians, even presidents come and go but the flag stays forever, or so the vast majority of Americans hope and believe. The flag is Americans pride.
What's surprising is the left wing of America totally fail to understand. Its not in the interest of the establishment to understand and so the establishment girds its loins and sends the likes of Clinton, Cruz and Kasich to make excuses and brush aside continual deliberate insults and put the blame on previous governments for getting it all, and I mean everything, wrong which in the case of Hillary must be quite difficult after all she is previous government.
Its similar to the reaction of most Americans to the cancellation of the Trump rally in Chicago. Naturally the three establishment lackeys blame Trump. Of course it was his fault a seventy eight year old man sucker punched a twenty something and the poor, fragile twenty something fell over, did the usual 'me victim' routine and blamed the old man, then to the surprise of almost three hundred million Americans, not to mention the rest of the world, found most of the main stream media agreed with him. The latest version of the seven stone weakling did as many news rounds as he could squeeze into his fifteen minutes of fame, and he and the MSM completely forgot to mention the twenty something seven stone weakling had been prancing around, gesticulating , yelling and for all I know managing to strike members of the audience which is why the old man lost his temper.
Hillary, Ted and what's his name didn't hesitate to agree with the poor, weak twenty something victim. To no ones surprise almost all MSM and politicians conveniently forgot to mention either the seven stone weaklings provocation or his age, you know just in case someone should get the idea a twenty something who went looking for trouble shouldn't be surprised if he finds it and anyway should be able to shrug off any seventy eight year old.
Connected or not the rally Trump had planned for Chicago has now been cancelled and naturally Hillary Ted and the other one blame Trump. Well, its not like Chicago is one of the most violent cities in America, with a massive unemployment problem caused by its Democrat leaders who are also responsible for the strict no guns policy which has never and will never stop any thug from getting a gun illegally.
America is in a shit hole and the lies of establishment politicians are the reason, almost everything about it is politically correct except for the vast majority of the people they want their country back and that is why if Donald Trump survives the establishment he will win the next presidential election.
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