A Self Portrait...

28 April 2017

A Few Thoughts on UK General Election 8/06/17

Hmm On this one I am deeply suspicious and less than enthused Conservative (Tories), Labour and Liberal Democrats (LibDems) are dishonest and deeply committed to nothing more than hanging onto their own highly paid part time jobs.

That's about it really. I cant think of one good reason to vote for any of them If forced to choose I would choose either United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) or a stand alone Independent. Under no circumstances vote for any party or person based on what that party or person says.

Look at their previous, check their expenses, check their voting record, then call the devil a fool and vote for the one who has the best chance of beating the establishment serfs.

There's a way to go, not as far as in an American presidential election which drags on for years, but a couple of months of hard sell and multiple lies are upon us. I guess if anything major changes like an obvious betrayal of Brexit voters I might return to this subject but honestly I don't believe the words of any politician particularly those of all three major party leaders, and that won't change.

26 April 2017

Keep up I'm Trying

My hand at a conspiracy theory. For all I know its not new it may have been floating around the web since day one but its new (ish) to me so here goes.

Why are almost all western govt's supporting the Islamic invasion of Europe and other western countries, could it be some sort of plan to deprive western people aka Europeans of most of the rights, values & freedoms millions of Europeans died to achieve and protect?

How sudden is it? Not very some might say the onslaught began with 9/11 when every Saudi Arabian was allowed to leave America instead of being arrested and questioned about the possibility of their involvement in the atrocity. They might say USA and western govts submission to Saudi Arabia continued with the USA suppressing important parts of the report into the 9/11 attack. Who knows we do know Muslims were only prevented from building a mosque next to the World Trade Centre site by the outrage of the American people

Who would have paid for he mosque I haven't and am not going to check but Saudi Arabia has paid for the building of virtually every big mosque in the west and obviously its done so with the approval of western govt's.

Naturally after 9/11 the west fully agreed with the attack upon the Taliban in Afghanistan they harboured or did they Osama Bin Laden and to this day we don't know if Bin Laden who needed serious medical help on a regular basis has been killed or if his death has been as they say exaggerated.

What we know is the attack on Afghanistan was followed by attacks on Iraq, Libya and now Syria. It has been said Saddam Hussein was a dictator & a tyrant but that has been said of the leader of every country the west has defeated. Of course it was said about Gaddafi  of Libya which is where it goes a bit runny. Far from praising the west most Libyans say Gaddafi was a very good leader who treated Libyans well and knew how to control extremists.

Syria is an expansion of the Libyan lie. Most Syrian people say Assad is a good leader. He is not just the son of the previous leader. Assad won the Syrian leadership in an election supervised and approved by western election authorities. Its said there is no rebellion in Syria there are American paid mercenaries ISIS and Alqaeda

All of the 'wars' in the middle east are supported by Saudi Arabia and other oil rich middle eastern states and all of the wars in the middle east have created millions of refugees none of which have been taken in by Saudi Arabia or the other oil rich middle eastern states.

Instead Europe has been invaded by more than a million refugees, although refugee has become an elastic word meaning anyone who decides to move from anywhere and claim refugee status in a western country.

All the while Saudi Arabia and others have been bombing Sudan and Yemen killing thousands and creating more refugees who run to Europe and the west.

In 2015 the UN made Saudi Arabia one of the most inhuman countries in the world chair of its Human Rights Committee and to add insult to injury the UN has made Saudi Arabia the chair of the Womens Rights Commission. Women in Saudi Arabia have no rights indeed they must have a male guardian.

In order for Saudi Arabia to gain chairmanship or even admittance onto the boards of UN Human Rights and UN Womens Rights at least some western govts MUST HAVE APPROVED the proposals.

And all the while 'refugees' flood into Europe and the west, and western people are told they must not object because objection to Muslim mass invasion is Islamophobic and racist,

And all the while the few remaining Christians in the middle east are being killed, women and children are being raped, slavery is a growing trade and western govt's do nothing and say less. Its been said as many as 85% of the 'refugees' into Europe are military age men.

What happened, what made such an obvious invasion acceptable to EU states lead by Germany?

Who among the western leaders supported Saudi Arabian elevation to the UN Human Rights and Womens Rights Councils?

Most importantly Why, what are we not being told?


One thing we do know and which I should have mentioned is both Iraq and Libya are oil rich states and it could be argued the big oil companies want full control and profits from the recovery and sale of oil, added to that there are rumours there might be gas and/or oil in Syria and even if not some say the big oil companies want to run oil pipes through Syria.

Something else we all know is there's no way the USA and western countries destroyed several middle eastern countries killing hundreds of thousands of people and evicting others from their own countries just because they didn't like the countries leaders...

I come back to Saudi Arabia its regional power is irrelevant to western countries but not to Iran and what were once other Shia Muslim countries.

Its odd that Saudi Arabia the most regressive, inhuman country in the Muslim world has no greater enemy than Iran and for some reason unknown to western people Iran is the one Muslim country western govt's seem to hate.

Sorry if this is a bit garbled its me and I'm not going to start faffing about with it, well not unless I think of something to add....

What Can I Tell You

I don’t like grey. I don’t know why but I don’t like grey Its one of those things I don’t hate grey I just don’t like it
There are as many shades of grey as there are of every other colour and I don’t like grey In theory its fine I’m right there with those who declare grey is a good useful colour
Grey goes with almost everything, grey suits are common as mud its probably true to say more men wear grey suits than any other colour, hmmph they’re hiding something I look upon them with suspicion and disdain.
Its not as though I like flash colours and clothes I really don’t I think most would describe the way I dress as conservative, nothing too bright, quite a lot of tweed which to be fair I hardly ever wear anymore, well that’s what happens when you hardly ever go out.
I’ve noticed there is an increasing amount of grey in home decoration I don’t mind it a tin of paint is cheap enough and what’s wrong with magnolia?
Grey has its uses it probably goes better with dandruff than black, navy or brown, but I don’t like grey.
You see even the spelling is interchangeable its either grey or gray depending largely upon whether you’re in the USA or the UK and who the hell cares .
Nope, I just don’t like grey

07 April 2017

The Single Bed

Traditionally is quite small no more than three feet wide and about six feet long. Its a fine length and width for one person. I know this because for some unremembered reason when I left England I left my big bed and took only the matching single beds I had in the spare room.

And, so I can confirm a single bed is fine, comfortable plenty big enough to share with an elderly cat...

Its also fine to share with a smallish dog who feels the cold and very sneakily wriggles under the duvet, these little things teach us to move up.

Its not bad to share a single bed with two dogs particularly if the elderly cat has gone and the second dog is anyway smaller than she was.

Its actually not too bad to share a single bed with two dogs and one cat one has to be more careful and stick to the edge of the bed but a cat on ones shoulder is doable

The problem arises when two dogs and two cats want to share a single bed

It can't be done.

Cats will not take the foot of the bed, nor will they allow a dog to have anything they want and what a cat wants is everything.

I know I should get a new big bed but I can't bring myself to buy anything new in this house. The picture is of my old bedroom and my perfect Tax is asleep on my side Tax very graciously allowed Trixie and Pippa to sleep on the big bed as long as she had the 'main' space, they kept a respectful distance and she didn't have to look at them.

I miss home.


I lied.

It is possible for two cats and two dogs to sleep on a single bed, they can if they spread themselves out:

One cat at the foot of the bed, this is quite difficult because cats don't particularly like the foot of the bed but if one of them is in the right mood it can happen.

Both dogs have to act tough and hang on to their edge of the bed regardless of claws and teeth. This is difficult for dogs who are used to a certain comfort in what they regard as their bed.

One cat has to peremptorily take the shoulder of the human and flatly refuse to get off. She does this regardless of shoves, groans, yells, swearing and the tossing and turning of what in I'm sure are most other beds the human owner.

It appears two cats and two dogs can by crushing the feet, legs and shoulder of the human into a space a mouse couldn't occupy sleep together either side and on top of their human.

At four am in the morning also known as the middle of the fucking night said human had had enough.

The human got up.

Put the kettle on, snarled at both cats and let them out into the night which is where they decided they wanted to go,

The human then made the tea got a few biscuits and switched the computer on.

It was half past five and the sky a dirty grey dawn when the human and two dogs got to bed.