Hmm On this one I am deeply suspicious and less than enthused Conservative (Tories), Labour and Liberal Democrats (LibDems) are dishonest and deeply committed to nothing more than hanging onto their own highly paid part time jobs.
That's about it really. I cant think of one good reason to vote for any of them If forced to choose I would choose either United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) or a stand alone Independent. Under no circumstances vote for any party or person based on what that party or person says.
Look at their previous, check their expenses, check their voting record, then call the devil a fool and vote for the one who has the best chance of beating the establishment serfs.
There's a way to go, not as far as in an American presidential election which drags on for years, but a couple of months of hard sell and multiple lies are upon us. I guess if anything major changes like an obvious betrayal of Brexit voters I might return to this subject but honestly I don't believe the words of any politician particularly those of all three major party leaders, and that won't change.
That's about it really. I cant think of one good reason to vote for any of them If forced to choose I would choose either United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) or a stand alone Independent. Under no circumstances vote for any party or person based on what that party or person says.
Look at their previous, check their expenses, check their voting record, then call the devil a fool and vote for the one who has the best chance of beating the establishment serfs.
There's a way to go, not as far as in an American presidential election which drags on for years, but a couple of months of hard sell and multiple lies are upon us. I guess if anything major changes like an obvious betrayal of Brexit voters I might return to this subject but honestly I don't believe the words of any politician particularly those of all three major party leaders, and that won't change.