Because that's what the media are doing to Donald Trump. I don't think its the time for such comparisons try again in four years and see what fits.
For now Trump is untried he should be given time to achieve or fail. I think America has been held captive by a political elite since George Bush senior was elected, maybe Ted Kennedy tried to break their hold when he supported Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton but if he did he failed to defeat anyone but Hillary Clinton because Obama might as well have been a Clinton, only the names changed.
In America live some of the poorest people in the world, certainly the poorest in the western part of the world, but we rarely see that poverty. We're shown street gangs not the homes they come from. We're told about food stamps not how important they are, and we're told about ghettos but not the reason for ghettos or that ghetto is just another word and that people in detached shacks in the Appalachians are just as badly if not worse off than the people in the ghetto. No Bush, Clinton or even the sainted Obama did anything for anyone in a shack in the Appalachians or a ghetto in Detroit except to grow the numbers.
I honestly can't see a reason to condemn Donald Trump in advance because he may not do what no Bush, Clinton or Obama did, and when what they did was play with the laws without really meaning what they were doing. How can Obama be all in favour of LGBTQ rights and equality for women when he continually praises and supports the Islamic religion which is dangerous to both LGBTQ people and women. How does that make sense?
What Donald Trump has done is reveal Americas deep dislike of the political establishment, politicians would do well to remember Democrats have been losing for years and for all of those years Democrats have refused to recognise the reason for their losses. Its time they stopped lying to themselves and their airy, fairy friends in Hollywood. they lost because they love glitter and all they sold was glitter. Its nothing to do with the colour of someones skin, its far more to do with not recognising problems and solving them and frankly if Barack Obama couldn't do it with the stroke of a pen he couldn't do it.
I'm glad Donald Trump won I wish him well in his presidency and I hope he delivers what he promised. He's a salesman he better know how to do more than sell a line because any politician can do that.