We are NOT all professional bloggers I never had the least ambition to be professional and just in case anyone thinks there must have been an ulterior motive I didn't think like that out of some touchy feely please like me modesty. I thought being an amateur would or should remove me from whatever the competition was if that is there was competition. You see I didn't know and I really didn't care. I didn't want to know about numbers and popularity I thought it was wonderful if I got one visitor! Now I don't trust any, sad that.
Not all bloggers want to be professional, not all bloggers want to be part of a team when in some cases they are unlikely even to know such teams/gangs/groups/communities (Huh!) exist before they start blogging.
I like blogging even though I know the one who illegally filmed me and then shared the film among his community; is also a blogger and I know the reason he felt empowered to do that is possibly because his online 'community' gave him the excuse he needed and faith in his own invincibility.
All very well to think that's harsh but think of the alternative some middle aged pervert trying to film someone he thought of as a young girl even though most of the blurb in this and every other blog I write says the writer is older. So is he a perv a drunk or thick or what?
Changing the subject slightly but they are loosely connected:
I don't often lose my temper some people think that's funny I think it would be funny if I allowed every little hindrance or irritation to anger me and most of the time there are more subtle ways to make a point.
We are who we are and it would be a boring world if we were all the same, besides the particular cretin who thinks calm is funny is in so much shite I'm certain he will have plenty of opportunities to show us all how he throws his dolly out of the pram.
Today, however, I lost my temper. If I'd had a blunt instrument I would have putt it to excellent use. I'm not going into huge detail I'm saving that for the inevitable excuses from the culprit.