A Self Portrait...

21 July 2019

James Bond

Some time ago I wrote a comment on YouTube about a new mini series I said I thought it was wrong and I stand by that. In my comment I said something about James Bond being transformed into Liberace which I have decided was a little extreme.

James Bond was as almost everyone surely knows written by Ian Fleming a journalist (tells us all we need to know) and author.

The James Bond Fleming created was the worlds best fighter, lover and spy. He was also British which to be fair was Fleming's area of expertise.

But, if it was Fleming's area of expertise why did he create James Bond as a straight man? Surely almost all of the known British spies of his day were not just traitors to the UK they were also gay. This is just the known spies there were probably other, better spies who were and are still unknown but being gay was obviously not a hindrance to work. So why did Fleming ignore the facts and write salacious fiction? Was he afraid to go anywhere near the subject of gay men which to be fair was at that time both criminal and disliked or and perhaps more likely if mercenary did he write James Bond as straight simply to get the books published and sell more.

Today there is a strong element that wants James Bond to be black and that does not make sense. In every book Fleming wrote the enemy was always of European descent and to be fair to Fleming that is where most of the UKs and the Wests 'enemies' were from. If James Bond needed to fit in and he did he had to be European, but he didn't and doesn't have to be straight.

Its kind of amusing that as far as I know not one strong, capable, great fighter is portrayed as gay. Not one and not only is that not historically true its the loss of a major opportunity. To make James Bond black would not work but he can and perhaps should be gay.

14 July 2019

The Conservative Tree House AKA Last Refuge

More Leaked U.K. Diplomatic Cables Against President Trump as British Authorities Promise to Catch Leaker…

I like this blog have done so for at least a couple of years It leans slavishly right but in many ways particularly when  you look at what calls itself ‘left’ these days so do I.
The problem is for some reason it doesn’t seem to ‘like’ me I don’t mind that but I do mind not being told I’ve been blocked or what or even if there is a problem because unless you are told its impossible to be sure what or if there is a reason.
Last Refuge is a ‘serious’ blog every day it publishes two posts presumably for nonsense and serious comments, so do read this ‘serious’ post of theirs to see what on earth you have to write to gain approval to comment on their actual posts, and feel free to check their other posts I’ve looked at several and have concluded they’re all the same.
The UK was involved in the Christopher Steele dossier that is obvious. Darroch, however he spells his name, is a typical brainless jobsworth diplomat who if he can do nothing else can definitely crawl to the UK prime minister and probably to  president Trump until he got caught. Darroch deserved and got the sack.
The main thing is the UK does what America wants and when Obama was in power he wanted Donald Trump trashed. Christopher Steele sounds as though he was a rubbish spy, but Darroch was Ambassador to the most prestigious post in the world.
Its said that Darroch was involved in the Christopher Steele episode in which case so was the British govt which means so was Barack Obama. Its simple arithmetic but it seems to be beyond Last Refuge and their commenters. Did they all go to the same school…It would have to be fairly recently not so long ago schools in the UK and America actually educated pupils

Update 16/07/2019
I know I should do it first but I never have and probably never will...
Funnily enough Kim Darroch was promoted to Ambassador to Washington in January 2016 and 2016 just happens to be the year of the pile of rubbish known as the Steele Dossier. Interesting...