A Self Portrait...

26 April 2018

The Two of Them...

Its never mentioned, possibly its forgotten, almost certainly its disliked even hated, but its still true.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have something very important in common.

Oh, both are good strategists and tacticians but they are not what set them apart.

What sets them apart is both are Alpha Males. The Alpha male has been around since humans first fell out of the trees and until the twenty first century the Alpha male was a known and recognised species, but the seven stone weaklings have taken over the west and the Alpha male is cast aside.

Except its not easy to cast aside an Alpha male, most of the time the Alpha appears happy to let the tribe do what they will until the tribe goes too far and that has been happening for years, the slow painful descent of the western male into obscurity is visible and no Alpha male will allow the descent to continue without a fight and being Alpha the fight is to the death.

Clinton didn't have to worry about the downfall of America in his day it wasn't even an idea but the slow descent begun with George Bush gathered pace with Obama who is nobodies idea of an Alpha male Obama has a hard job being accepted as masculine Alpha is out of the question.

And its as simple as that Clinton wouldn't have tolerated an Alpha male in the Democrat party let alone in Congress. He ruled, ruthless, corrupt whatever it took he used it.

Trump is much the same he won't tolerate another Alpha in his vicinity. Trump will do whatever it takes to keep what he has won and he will demand the respect he thinks is owed to America.

Bill Clinton was almost ignored by the Hillary Clinton campaign team and that was their loss. He is charismatic, friendly and politically decades ahead of the lobbyists and office boys.

And, think about it, the very idea of Donald Trump putting any opinion or advice above his own is just ridiculous. 

 No, neither of them are nice people and Clinton maybe a serial rapist but that doesn't alter the fact or the Alpha, being an Alpha male is probably what the Democrats and the left hate most about Donald Trump, they've got to get over it the more people see of an Alpha male in the White House the less likely they are to accept anything less.

Donald Trump is an Alpha male and that is what America needs and the west need

25 April 2018

I'm Giving Up...

Definitely, positively giving up. There are at least six multi packs of tinned dog and cat food there are as many if not more multi packs of twelve individual packets of dog and cat food, at least two of each are open and there is a large pack of dry cat food just in case...I'm considering opening another tin of Cats Club but I will have to be careful and only open a tin of stuff they like...

There are three unfinished, hardly sniffed, meals in the kitchen lunch was thrown to the birds and I have had enough. I know its an old worn out saying but there are billions of cats and dogs all over the world who would be grateful for what those three leave. I must have the best fed crows and magpies in Ireland if not the world hovering over my garden, and I have had enough.

I am unused to sniffy fusspot cat and dogs. Not so long ago my beautiful Ollie and Trixie would have polished off anything those three were too posh to eat and as for Herself she would not have dreamed of eating anything of theirs and nor would she have allowed anyone else to touch her plate...

I spend a fortune on cat and dog food but its not about money In a way its about choice.

I have Caesar, Pedigree Chum and Tesco dog food I'm considering Winalotts... I have Cats Club, Felix, Sheba and Tesco cat and Whiskers cat food, there is also a carton of Gourmet but I can't remember if its cat or dog food and I'm not going t check. I'm considering throwing them in the bin.

I tell you there is nothing more disheartening not to mention frustrating than ordering expensive cat and dog food, putting it in front of cat and dogs and having all three turn their noses up at it. I even cooked a piece of fish for them, they wouldn't touch it. Nothing is more infuriating, well there are things that are more infuriating but hanging is no longer an option and until I move so is any legal, legal action.

The three of them can jolly well look at their untouched dinner until they eat it.

I miss my gorgeous Ollie, beautiful Trixie and irreplaceable Herself Tax. When I move I am going to buy them a stone cat and dog memorial each they would be wasted here


Jezzie has been naughty, she knows the old chair belongs to Pippa but she has decided she wants the chair. As far as I can tell its not a comfortable chair and I cant be sure but having been used and abused by Pippa and Ollie for years its probably uncomfortable and lumpy. This doesn't appear to bother Pippa or Jezzie.

Pippa just tried to get on her chair, Jezzie wouldn't let her. I would like to ignore the little spat but I think I must get Pippa and make Jezzie get off the chair...I'm beginning to dislike the damn chair.

I did make Jezzie get off the chair I did put Pippa on the chair so its a pity Pippa wouldn't stay there because she had no sooner jumped down than Jezzie jumped back on the chair. I think Pippa would share the chair with Jezzie but what can you do Jezzie is Irish and they don't share they steal.