A Self Portrait...

28 December 2017

I hope everyone had the Christmas they Deserve...

Maggie has decided my lap is now her chair.

Its my fault OK I'm weak, I let them do as they want, particularly Pippakin who is the last I  have of England. The murder of Trixie has changed Pippa. She is more demanding, she wants more food, no not that food, different food. Its not unusual for madam to have three different dinners all at the same time and none of them to madams satisfaction thank you very much.

I gave in. I had to she'd still be screeching at me if I hadn't. Madam has my chair the one with the old cushions on it. I have another chair one with new cushions and I daresay if I wasn't sitting here with Maggie on my lap giving me cramp I might be comfortable, but I'm filled with foreboding and its not all Maggie's fault. Jezzie must take some of the blame she hates, really hates the cold and our straightened circumstances mean putting the heating on for more than a couple of hours is out of the question, so in silent but very firm rejection of the cold Jezzie has taught herself how to take herself off to bed.

As soon as she gets in from the garden and decides she's not going to get any more food or sweets she wriggles her way under the duvet and disappears until she decides something worth getting cold for is happening. Taking care of Maggie is evidently not something Jezzie is interested in or prepared to be lumbered with.

I have cramp but Maggie is so comfortable she obviously has no intention of moving. I want a cup of coffee but that too requires movement. When I finish this little whinge I might evict Maggie and go and make a cup of coffee. The worst thing about living alone is not missing anyone in particular although that is very real, its actually having to make your own tea and coffee, every time!

My girls had a good Christmas and considering where I am I had the best Christmas I could expect. 

24 December 2017

The Night Before Christmas - Unfinished

Twas the night before Christmas
And all over the world
Men guarded and watched
For who next would be killed

Who in Yemen would starve to death
Or be shot down in a bullets sharp breath.

Who in Palestine would risk their life
To show an Israeli the truth & the fight

Who in a million alley ways & streets
Would drift in their blanket off to sleep

Who would lay in the blanket in the dawns freezing light
Never to a awaken from the sleep of the night.

16 December 2017


That is supposed to cut me to the soul isn't it. Hard luck. 

You remind me of a taxi driver I regret I know He actually wrote a poem for a priest and why would any fool do that? I didn't ask I didn't need to I just assumed he wanted approval of his marriage. He was divorced you know I know this because he called the woman, she may have been his first wife or not, a bitch. and why do that to the deceased? He would have been desperate for acceptance by the Catholic church and probably donated a goodly amount of cash to the Catholic cause too but I can't confirm that...

I was reminded of someone and I do want him and his friends to know I remember them well

15 December 2017


Two dinners is one too many & then she wouldn't eat either of em, what is one ordinary mortal to do? There was a time, in August would you believe when Pippa knew her place, that would be the one behind Herself and when she left us behind big, bold, beautiful Trixie, who while incredibly good natured and affectionate was not fond of siblings, particularly Pippa.

Times change, my beautiful Trixie has gone to join Herself and Ollie and so many others I can't name them all, But I do think Bertie, Topsy and Sam would be welcoming or at least indifferent. Bertie would be the most indifferent. No Persian aristocat would deign to notice a tabby moggie even a big one with long fur. Tom would hate her and as small as he was for a cat he would rip her ears off before he would welcome a strange cat into his home. The same applies to dogs of course I hope he has grown accustomed to Ollie and doesn't sit on a chair wait for him to walk by then leap out and attack him as he did Sam.  Topsy my pretty Yorkie would probably have been the most welcoming, well Trixie was bigger than her...

Getting back to the point Pippa has changed, yesterday or the day before she and I had a long discussion about which chair is hers. I did not give in I got her out of my chair four times and I told her, her chair is the same one its always been. Its the one she shared with Ollie, if climbing on his back and scratching him can be called sharing. My chair is my chair! OK I'm giving serious thought to buying new cushions and putting the old ones on her chair but I might not she's had the same damn chair for twelve years and it was not a cheap chair, well it was but only until I got it reupholstered.

She has got to eat her dinner and I have got to grow stronger and not give in to her non stop meows Do you know she has a very pink, very healthy looking tongue and her teeth don't look bad either. Which reminds me I forgot to order dry cat food I must add it to the list immediately she looks upon dry cat food as a kindof snack...