A Self Portrait...

15 January 2013

A Face?

I saw a face
Muffled in layers
Afraid of the cold
Knocked about
That face had been

Maybe scared
Maybe worried
Maybe too many
Smokes or drinks
Once or twice

I felt sad for that face
Been there

Then I thought
Someone Down on His luck.
Could it be
A face I've seen before?
Huddled against the cold

In a doorway
As I rushed by
Too busy in a busy world?
Well, actually, yes, it is. Of course...

I'm not going to feel sorry.
That face had his days
Of hope and laughter


If such a face took life too hard
Maybe found himself
Financially embarrassed
Maybe needing a small sub
From whenever to whenever

Feck it!

What can I say
I would, of course I would
Help out.

Just for a while
Until the horse romps home
First instead of last
You know on four legs
Instead of three.

Coming third in a three horse race
Is not so good.